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  • Kassie Sturm

Galentine's Day Moon Gathering

Updated: Feb 28, 2019

*Warning - this post has feels*

Being someone who has a propensity to overshare without really sharing and is a master at burying her true feelings, I began searching for a way to honor my emotions and pray for support. It started as a set of tarot cards from my husband one Christmas. Then it moved into Spirit Daughter workbooks, studying astrological energies and their affects as a form of therapy. It graduated into a full blown practice that has helped me to sit with myself in emotional times to break down what I am feeling and tap into my intuition and pray for what it is I need to get through.

I shared these practices with some friends in small settings; doing readings, discussing energies and how we felt at that particular time. That's how the Full Moon Circle was born. One woman opened her home to 11 of us and we all opened our hearts to each other. It was an emotional reckoning unlike anything I have ever experienced. We talked about our troubles as mothers, with our faith, our careers, our families and wept as much as our hearts desired. We did breathing exercises to get in tune with our hearts and meditated on our intentions, willing them to be. We went out under the stars and shared our flaws and those things that we were so desperate to release and burned them right there. It was undeniably that thing we just didn't know we needed.

Fast forward several months and we have continued to gather. Some smaller groups here and there, and then finally a Full Moon in February brought us together, this time with a theme - Oh Sweet, Sweet Galentine's. This evening was much like the others - we all brought a beverage and snack to share, we discussed the astro energies of the moment, we shared our feelings - only this time, we styled the dang thing. I am so pleased to share photos of the details I put so much love and care into - but having the memory of all of us together, loving on each other and enjoying the space, it is really what this was all about. I do have to say that this styled gathering is the most special to me because so many I hold dear were there with me.

Hair/Makeup: @kassatopia

Florals/Design: @kassielane

Astrology Guide: @spiritdaughter

Cake: Publix

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